61.   Later security retracted the evacuation order and issued special passes to employees who opted to stay.

62.   Many visitors opt to stay at nearby towns such as Port Douglas or Mossman.

63.   Many Chicago residents are depressed and fearful, the Urban Institute said Wednesday, and have opted to stay in rodent-infested buildings with plumbing problems.

64.   More personnel are opting to stay in uniform longer by reenlisting, so the military is being more selective and signing up better educated recruits.

65.   Passengers are free to leave the Malaspina but King said most were opting to stay aboard in case the blockade was lifted.

66.   Short-term investors have been dominating much of the market action, while those with longer-term positions have opted to stay on the sidelines, traders said.

67.   Sixteen of those opted to stay in Croatia.

68.   The Canadians have already rearranged their travel plans, delaying their departure and opting to stay in Cortina until a final decision is made.

69.   The crew opted to stay in the United States in hopes a deal could be struck.

70.   The government hospitals, meanwhile, may partly be affected by the decline in the number of in-patients who may opt to stay in dormatories instead ofprivate rooms.

v. + stay >>共 189
opt 18.33%
fight 11.55%
do 4.98%
win 3.78%
can 2.19%
work 1.99%
apply 1.59%
battle 1.59%
be 1.59%
say 1.20%
opt + v. >>共 389
stay 6.73%
take 3.51%
use 3.51%
play 3.44%
go 3.29%
leave 3.00%
have 2.12%
keep 2.05%
sell 1.98%
remain 1.83%
每页显示:    共 92