61.   Opinions varied greatly about what Mexico should do during this breathing spell.

62.   Opinions vary on the source.

63.   Researchers say enough evidence exists to indict the entire Khmer Rouge standing committee, but opinions vary on whether there is enough to convict more than two or three.

64.   They have each concluded that mammograms save lives, although their opinions vary as to by how much regular mammograms reduce the chance of breast cancer death.

65.   Apart from that, the ICAO needs to find agreement on technical matters, on which opinions vary.

66.   But opinions about this varied.

67.   Kansteiner said opinions varied over whether the political will exists in Zimbabwe for free and fair elections.

68.   Opinion varied in the game about the severity of the punishment.

69.   Opinions vary on the measures.

70.   Opinions vary widely about the prospect of the Fed loosening its monetary policy following recent statistics pointing to an economic slowdown.

n. + vary >>共 929
price 6.22%
rate 3.25%
opinion 2.15%
estimate 1.96%
cost 1.84%
result 1.75%
time 1.59%
number 1.53%
rule 1.47%
fee 1.47%
opinion + v. >>共 241
be 32.78%
vary 6.13%
differ 5.96%
change 2.98%
say 2.54%
come 1.84%
seem 1.84%
have 1.75%
remain 1.58%
matter 1.49%
每页显示:    共 70