61.   InnerChange officials say those best suited for the program are men who have hit bottom and want to change.

62.   It is a continuing operation that federal officials say could go on for two more decades.

63.   Israeli officials say that is not so.

64.   It was that finding, among others, agency officials say, that pushed them to propose their dredging plan.

65.   Local and federal officials say officers who live where they work enhances their understanding of the communities they serve and boosts community-based policing programs.

66.   Law enforcement officials say they have carefully studied the letter bombs, examining the envelopes, plastic explosive and detonators for clues to who is responsible.

67.   Lee said he was concerned because he himself had been giving Taiwanese officials unclassified documents that American officials say dealt with nuclear-reactor safety.

68.   Major League and Minor League baseball are about the last leagues left, industry officials say, that allow only wood bats.

69.   Many officials say that more important than the Sword of Damocles of adult prison hanging over their heads, is the extra treatment and scrutiny these teen-agers receive.

70.   Military officials say Hernandez had fired twice on the Marines and was preparing to fire a third time when Banuelos shot him to protect his colleagues.

n. + say >>共 658
official 8.24%
expert 7.67%
analyst 6.71%
critic 3.76%
doctor 3.03%
police 2.61%
authority 1.61%
economist 1.50%
people 1.46%
observer 1.27%
official + n. >>共 397
say 16.02%
close 7.30%
fear 6.04%
point 4.84%
hope 3.87%
claim 3.06%
suspect 2.31%
hostage 2.16%
worry 1.79%
access 1.56%
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