61.   They were in the company of US Representative Bill Richardson, who obtained their release.

62.   US and Indian officials are working together to obtain the release of Westerners held by suspected militants in Kashmir, State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said Tuesday.

63.   United Nations spokesman Waldemar Rokoszewski said that Siderenios was being detained in occupied northern Nicosia, and that UN officials were trying to obtain his release.

64.   Kinkel said all means would be considered to obtain the release of the hostages, but he did not regard it necessary to put pressure on the Indian government.

65.   Last week he obtained the release by Aidid of an Australian pilot, Justin Fraser, who had been detained in Somalia since May on suspicion of spying.

66.   Negotiations involving church figures have been mounted to try to obtain the release of those hostages.

67.   Officials of the African peacekeeping force said they were negotiating to try to obtain the release of all the hostages.

68.   Negotiations were under way to obtain their release.

69.   Negotiations were taking place to obtain their release, Sochacki said.

70.   Richardson obtained the release of three Cuban political prisoners and accompanied them to the United States.

v. + release >>共 380
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secure 5.91%
negotiate 4.55%
win 4.26%
await 4.26%
seek 4.11%
order 3.82%
delay 3.14%
block 2.26%
obtain 1.71%
obtain + n. >>共 1088
information 5.50%
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approval 3.26%
copy 3.21%
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document 1.91%
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