61.   The bedrock is higher near the north end.

62.   The Chinese Embassy is roughly five floors high, has a curved north end, and a separate residence building at the back.

63.   The Colony looks like any other storefront at the north end of Times Square, with its gaudy neon lights, dusty window displays and peeling paint.

64.   The Cottonwood picnic area has been opened by Maricopa County Parks at the north end of Lake Pleasant.

65.   The design includes a new entry lobby at the north end, to be entered primarily from a new underground parking garage north of the present building.

66.   The complex of rental apartments was recently completed in the north end of town.

67.   The fourth, the gospel stage, was in a parking lot at the north end of town.

68.   The library, a domed rotunda based on the Pantheon in Rome, was the centerpiece of the complex at the north end.

69.   The largest building is the new high school on the north end of town, along the four-lane highway.

70.   The north end is now the subject of a lawsuit by Braswell Shipyard, which contends that the redevelopment authority did not execute an agreed-upon sublease there.

n. + end >>共 815
year 6.14%
north 4.91%
season 3.80%
east 3.61%
split 2.77%
term 2.70%
stem 2.62%
west 2.62%
rookie 1.70%
bottom 1.39%
north + n. >>共 233
side 19.43%
coast 10.17%
end 8.58%
tower 7.54%
wind 2.84%
section 2.70%
bank 2.07%
swell 2.01%
face 1.94%
city 1.66%
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