61.   For this and other reasons Edinburgh College of Art withdrew from negotiations with the CNAA and obtained university validation.

62.   Some like Diplomacy, which is set in pre-First World War Europe, involve pupils in negotiations with other countries, setting territorial goals, and forming alliances.

63.   Not for the last time during the long process of negotiation with the GPRA, de Gaulle himself seemed depressed by the impasse.

64.   But its effect was to cast serious doubt on the policy of association and to hasten negotiations with the GPRA with a view to total independence.

65.   In addition, gifts would be required in any negotiations with foreign powers, especially if they culminated in a marriage alliance.

66.   Similarly those reporting on their negotiations with the British may at times have been tempted to exaggerate their success.

67.   Negotiations with Holland and Sweden are expected to be opened soon.

68.   The National Rivers Authority is in negotiations with British Coal on the issue, and is considering legal action, although it is not clear if this would succeed.

69.   He has in no legal sense locked himself into negotiations with A.

70.   Generally, this also helps the management team, enabling them to avoid face-to-face negotiation with their superiors.

n. + with >>共 1340
talk 3.47%
meeting 2.27%
agreement 1.58%
relationship 1.23%
interview 1.19%
tie 1.19%
people 1.14%
contact 1.13%
game 1.03%
deal 1.01%
negotiation 1.00%
negotiation + p. >>共 56
with 39.75%
on 15.07%
between 14.98%
for 6.67%
in 6.43%
over 5.04%
at 1.48%
by 1.02%
of 0.85%
as 0.77%
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