61.   Challenged by hard-liners in his own party and blocked in efforts to negotiate peace in Chiapas, Zedillo was accused of weakness.

62.   Despite being held for five months in a rugged mountain hideout, Betancur urged the government to negotiate peace with the rebels.

63.   Efforts to negotiate peace in Sudan have failed repeatedly.

64.   Efforts to negotiate lasting peace have since sputtered.

65.   Ending weekend talks on the Mideast crisis, Bush and Mubarak agreed that the Palestinian Authority must enact political reforms to give Israel the confidence to negotiate peace.

66.   Failure to negotiate peace has prompted preparations for more war.

67.   First Premier Norodom Ranariddh on Thursday renewed his call to veteran Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan to break with his hard-line colleagues and negotiate peace with the government.

68.   Foreign ministers negotiating Balkan peace opened a second day of critical talks Tuesday on a U.N. resolution outlining plans for an international peace force in Kosovo.

69.   Foreign ministers negotiating Balkan peace were to hold a second day of critical talks Tuesday on a U.N. resolution outlining plans for an international peace force in Kosovo.

70.   He and Maskhadov took part in cease-fire talks between Russian and Chechen field commanders in February, but said only Dudayev could negotiate a peace.

v. + peace >>共 405
make 14.92%
bring 9.98%
keep 7.63%
want 4.21%
achieve 3.96%
restore 3.91%
promote 2.49%
negotiate 2.41%
find 2.37%
talk 2.35%
negotiate + n. >>共 655
agreement 8.19%
settlement 7.09%
contract 6.22%
deal 5.82%
end 4.62%
release 3.61%
peace 2.88%
price 2.53%
cease-fire 1.90%
compromise 1.86%
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