61.   - As it stumbles toward a denouement, the Microsoft antitrust case illustrates the folly of crafting a national industrial policy through the courts.

62.   A consensus appears unlikely to develop before an April deadline for the group to recommend a national policy on taxing electronic commerce.

63.   A national policy once based primarily on need-based grants is now dominated by loan programs that often require Americans to assume unmanageable debts.

64.   A recent U.N. study found that the United States is one of the few countries in the world without a national policy requiring paid maternity leave.

65.   After that, it would be sent to Rome and established as a binding national policy that not even dissenting bishops would be free to ignore, Bevilacqua emphasized.

66.   Alexander has joined the chorus, and in Orlando blasted Congress for imposing a national policy to bar weapons in schools.

67.   Buchanan told his Odessa audience that contradictory national policies have hurt the oil industry.

68.   Bush has made it clear he does not intend to take any national policy stands until the Texas state legislature ends its session in late spring.

69.   But Congress, not a judge, is supposed to make national policy.

a. + policy >>共 712
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new 8.36%
fiscal 1.93%
national 1.78%
social 1.65%
american 1.64%
current 1.48%
domestic 1.44%
major 1.42%
national + n. >>共 884
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