61.   Music sounded like exports from South African musicians while also reminiscent of cheerful Appalachian barn dance tunes.

62.   The music sounds unmistakably KRU.

63.   The quartet from York, Pennsylvania, wants to be deep, heavy and important, but the music merely sounds Hootie-esque with a dose of bombast.

64.   Wailing music sounded over the loudspeakers.

n. + sound >>共 1184
siren 4.82%
buzzer 3.45%
voice 3.34%
alarm 3.34%
bell 1.97%
word 1.83%
music 1.83%
official 1.46%
name 1.43%
horn 1.31%
music + v. >>共 686
be 34.62%
have 4.20%
play 3.51%
come 2.02%
blare 1.82%
stop 1.62%
sound 1.42%
become 1.40%
seem 1.22%
begin 1.09%
每页显示:    共 64