61.   The military junta seized control the following month and canceled a second round of voting to prevent the Islamic movement from coming to power.

62.   The movements from pose to pose hinted at the dangers and diversions encountered along the way.

63.   The Israeli government took the first legal steps Tuesday to bring the man identified as the leader of the Hamas movement from the United States to Israel for trial.

64.   The mysteries of complex money movements from nation to nation will have to be penetrated and regulated.

65.   The power control unit, which operates similarly to power steering in a car, converts rudder pedal movement from the cockpit into hydraulic power to move the rudder.

66.   The pair represents the poles of compromise and confrontation that are at center of the Mills controversy and have tugged at the environmental movement from its very inception.

67.   The reports complain of lack of freedom of movement from one ethnically controlled enclave to another.

68.   They are required to keep a log book detailing their movements from concourse to concourse.

69.   They can change in character and movement from line to line, as the words dictate to the heart.

70.   UN officials suspect Iraq received information on UNSCOM personnel movements from Iraqi officials assigned to the United Nations.

n. + from >>共 1445
pressure 1.27%
money 1.12%
support 1.10%
official 1.10%
report 0.90%
people 0.87%
comment 0.84%
help 0.79%
call 0.72%
criticism 0.58%
movement 0.03%
movement + p. >>共 84
of 35.47%
in 23.36%
on 4.67%
for 4.34%
toward 3.25%
by 2.92%
to 2.59%
as 2.08%
with 2.01%
from 1.91%
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