61. Buying, even though it requires more money down and usually higher monthly payments, still may be your best deal. 62. By moving their balance to a low-rate credit card or consolidation loan, they reduce their monthly payments. 63. Can you afford higher monthly payments in order to pay off your mortgage quickly and eliminate a giant chunk of your interest expense? 64. Clients, she said, were told to stop paying the credit card companies and instead make monthly payments to an escrow account that Capoccia controlled. 65. Compared with conventional financing, a lease generally will have a lower monthly payment. 66. Conseco, Crittenden said, also works closely with borrowers who face financial difficulty, including regularly granting loan extensions and sometimes even accepting reduced monthly payments. 67. Consolidation can ease the monthly payment burden and give students more flexibility to pay high-interest debts like those from credit cards, advisers say. 68. Consumers did more than their share, in large part because millions of homeowners fattened their wallets in recent years by refinancing mortgages to cut their monthly payments. 69. Customers, lured by the prospect of low monthly payments, are increasingly leasing automobiles instead of buying them. 70. Defined-benefit plans are plans in which the government guarantees a specific monthly payment upon retirement. |