61.   There are no monitoring stations in India and two in Pakistan.

62.   Villagers in the area said flames could be seen rising from the Israeli radar monitoring station on Mt. Hermon above the Chebaa Farms.

63.   Villagers said flames could be seen billowing from the Israeli radar monitoring station on Mt. Hermon above the Chebaa Farms.

64.   Under EU rules, EU countries must warn the public if ozone concentrations reach high levels and provide the Commission with information on monitoring stations, methods and results.

65.   Ultimately, however, military negotiations broke down over Israeli proposals for manned monitoring stations in the Golan Heights.

66.   WMO, which relies on reports from Antarctic monitoring stations, said the destruction may be headed for a record loss by the end of the month.

67.   France has suggested it will turn its Mururoa and Fangataufa atoll test sites into environmental monitoring stations, or may even open them up for use as holiday resorts.

68.   Israeli press reports say this could involve stationing US troops at an electronic monitoring station on Mount Hermon, which dominates the Golan.

69.   A blockhouse has been transformed into a communication and monitoring station.

70.   Bellehumeur said the Canadians being refused permission by Bosnian Serbs to leave their monitoring stations were still able to carry out their duties of monitoring ceasefire violations.

a. + station >>共 892
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monitoring 1.47%
monitoring + n. >>共 384
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