61.   All four generals are close associates of military strongman Ratko Mladic.

62.   Aristide must also name a new armed forces chief to replace disgraced military strongman Raoul Cedras who went into exile in Panama early Thursday.

63.   Assistant UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sergio Vieira de Mello on Tuesday held talks with Rwandan military strongman Paul Kagame on the plight of Rwandan refugees in Zaire.

64.   But later President Bizimungu and military strongman Kagame said Rwanda was not opposed to a regional conference that would address all the problems of the region.

65.   But rival Desi Bouterse, the former military strongman with the National Democratic Party, argues that only political change will get economic growth moving.

66.   Despite recent pressure by groups and individuals on Abacha to contest the presidential election, the military strongman has not made his stand clear on the issue.

67.   Dabengwa was reacting to a report in a Sunday newspaper that the Ethiopian former military strongman and his three children had been issued with Zimbabwean passports.

68.   Fighters loyal to former Kabul military strongman, Ahmad Shah Masood, launched the raid on Bagram airbase late Wednesday.

69.   The move came after Dostam met with deposed president Burhanuddin Rabbani and his military strongman, Ahmad Shah Masood.

70.   They include Ahmed Shah Masood, an anti-Soviet war hero, and military strongman to the disputed regim of President Burhanuddin Rabbani in Kabul.

a. + strongman >>共 107
former 20.62%
military 16.54%
cambodian 6.03%
late 4.47%
serb 3.50%
serbian 2.92%
yugoslav 2.92%
new 2.72%
rwandan 2.14%
nigerian 1.95%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
strongman 0.10%
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