61.   Any medal winner testing positive would have to return his medal.

62.   Australian Olympic medal winner Scott Miller has tested positive for marijuana use and faces a three-month ban, his lawyer said Saturday.

63.   Averbukh was the only Israeli medal winner in Edmonton.

64.   Beard and bronze medal winner Samantha Riley of Australia are considered stronger in the longer race.

65.   But the three-time Olympic gold medal winner said he is seriously considering leaving the sport.

66.   Carrard said the two athletes could keep their two other medals because they had tested negative for doping tests conducted on all medal winners after each event.

67.   Canal Plus did fast-paced variety shows from Atlanta, with footage of events interspersed with comedy skits, oddball news reports and interviews with medal winners.

68.   Despite the slimmer contingent, Hindarto said Indonesia could improve on its performance from the last Asiad in Hiroshima because only potential medal winners would leave for Bangkok.

69.   Dozens of athletes either failed drug tests or avoided the Olympics for fear of testing positive, and several medal winners were disqualified because of drug tests.

70.   Each case involves a gold medal winner.

n. + winner >>共 395
service 7.24%
group 6.40%
medal 5.60%
three-time 4.80%
prize 4.62%
award 4.22%
surprise 2.62%
four-time 2.40%
year 2.25%
five-time 1.96%
medal + n. >>共 204
winner 9.29%
contender 8.08%
ceremony 7.78%
game 5.07%
stand 4.10%
favorite 3.92%
contention 3.74%
standing 3.56%
table 3.44%
count 3.38%
每页显示:    共 153