61.   Failure to get accreditation by the proposed medika council would carry a maximum prison sentence of three months.

62.   The Russian civil code does not cover child pornography but refers only to pornography in general, an offence carrying a maximum prison sentence of two years.

63.   The three Cuban-born men had been charged with conspiracy and plotting against another nation, federal offenses that carry maximum prison sentences of three to five years.

64.   The Russian civil code also currently does not cover child pornography but refers only to pornography in general, an offence carrying a maximum prison sentence of two years.

65.   The three Cuban-born men were charged with conspiracy and plotting against another nation, federal offenses that carry maximum prison sentences of three to five years.

66.   Meanwhile Kinfe and his accomplice Solomon Haile Gebre Michael, are detained in Chikurubi maximum prison on the outskirts of the capital.

67.   Meanwhile, the government has adopted a bill setting out a two-year maximum prison sentence for Israelis hiring, transporting or sheltering Palestinians without a work permit.

68.   Manslaughter carries a maximum prison sentence of seven years.

69.   Noir faces a maximum prison term of two years if the charges are proved.

70.   Similar charges have brought maximum prison sentences of five years for those convicted.

a. + prison >>共 817
federal 11.12%
long 5.25%
new 3.28%
maximum-security 2.86%
military 2.33%
israeli 1.95%
suspended 1.81%
lengthy 1.65%
chinese 1.55%
turkish 1.47%
maximum 1.43%
maximum + n. >>共 587
sentence 15.35%
penalty 13.76%
security 5.53%
life 2.62%
amount 2.48%
punishment 2.36%
number 2.22%
point 2.20%
alert 1.83%
prison 1.67%
每页显示:    共 72