61.   Zebbi Best, the rent man on his round,

62.   Man on ladder wearing unsuitable boots.

63.   Some policy commentators see the impact of embryo manipulation as a good thing, akin to the acquisition of language or putting men on the moon.

64.   The two men on either side of the Renault had been punched backwards by the impact of the bullets.

65.   Bridget had seen the missing man on a Thursday.

66.   In fact, Mahmoud had put a man on Zoser but he preferred not to admit it.

67.   Now, I am the last man on Earth to cry, CONSPIRACY!

68.   Wycliffe shared a table with a merchant captain whose ship was in dock, a quiet spoken man on the verge of retirement.

69.   It would have been with someone butch, a Guardsman or a man on a building site.

70.   He had a dozen men on the other side of town waiting for him.

n. + on >>共 1528
pressure 1.52%
report 1.14%
comment 1.06%
decision 0.94%
agreement 0.93%
impact 0.90%
restriction 0.85%
work 0.67%
detail 0.57%
price 0.54%
man 0.32%
man + p. >>共 81
in 26.83%
with 16.27%
of 12.00%
on 7.18%
from 6.65%
for 3.90%
to 3.85%
at 3.53%
as 2.83%
like 1.55%
每页显示:    共 1610