61.   The Senate approved another GOP-sponsored amendment that would limit the size of class-action lawsuits to employees in one company.

62.   The Senate on Tuesday failed to pass an amendment that would uphold a Department of Interior regulation limiting the size of mining waste sites to five acres.

63.   There are those who base their decision to limit the size of their family on thoughtful research, but questionable judgment.

64.   The workers did not understand the reason behind the rules that limit the sizes of batches and containers, the experts said.

65.   They were getting increasingly angry about his bipartisan cozy-ing with Democrats, his concern at limiting the size of the stimulus and his willingness to spend.

66.   This limits the size of step which can be taken.

67.   Westport and Greenwich have avoided the problem because zoning regulations severely limit the size of commercial buildings.

68.   What the chosen places have in common is emptiness, often on a vast scale, a point that is stressed by limiting the size of the audience.

69.   With potential sites vanishing, there is talk of limiting the size of new memorials.

70.   Would have lifted decades-old regulations that limited the sizes of commissions for life insurance agents in an effort to curb certain illegal practices.

v. + size >>共 398
reduce 16.48%
increase 8.04%
double 4.88%
limit 4.10%
determine 2.99%
have 2.46%
cut 2.05%
disclose 1.85%
use 1.56%
estimate 1.31%
limit + n. >>共 857
number 4.73%
access 3.00%
amount 2.24%
ability 2.15%
use 2.06%
damage 1.76%
loss 1.72%
power 1.47%
gain 1.29%
activity 1.11%
size 0.88%
每页显示:    共 99