61.   These wrong guesses may lay the foundation for a strong memory, he said.

62.   --They lay the foundation for cognitive learning.

63.   This splintering of the Islamic insurgency through five years of war makes it particularly difficult to lay real foundations for reconciliation.

64.   This race-track habitue and erstwhile strip-club owner had been around long enough to know that beneath disaster often lay the foundation for a good scam.

65.   To lay the foundation for constructive coop- eration with China, Bush will have to cope with complexity.

66.   To lay the foundation for constructive cooperation with China, Bush will have to cope with complexity.

67.   To lay the foundation for the drink, it is first necessary to muddle the sugar with a little bourbon and a few mint leaves.

68.   West lay the foundations for these developments by financing leading scientists in the two fields.

69.   With their young brains programmed to soak up information at a rate they will never achieve again, preschoolers can painlessly lay the foundations for multilingualism.

70.   Yacino questioned whether Reilly was trying to lay the foundations for a gubernatorial bid.

v. + foundation >>共 286
lay 15.18%
lie 8.25%
build 5.01%
establish 4.72%
have 4.20%
create 4.13%
set_up 3.91%
provide 2.80%
shake 2.73%
start 2.06%
lie + n. >>共 431
groundwork 12.17%
claim 11.27%
egg 9.56%
foundation 5.98%
wreath 5.02%
blame 3.42%
hand 2.72%
face 2.72%
siege 1.92%
charge 1.33%
每页显示:    共 111