61.   After the eviction, several of the families split up, some even left the country.

62.   But the country is left with huge international debt.

63.   Thinking Senor Gomorro was about to leave the country without returning to Suffolk they got in touch with colleagues in Oxfordshire.

64.   To leave the country without seeing Salalah would be a tragedy.

65.   Diego Maradona is on collision course with his Spanish club, Seville, after leaving the country without permission to play for Argentina.

66.   Health officials are so worried that they are asking people to double check that they have the correct vaccinations before leaving the country.

67.   Although a growing number of those dollars are leaving the country as companies try to shore up their images overseas, that still leaves ample sums for American causes.

68.   Also unclear Sunday was whether the two would leave the country if they step down.

69.   American officials said that Powell presented the Russian ambassador a list of four or five Russian diplomats who were ordered to leave the country.

70.   An INS spokesman said secret evidence was an important deterrent that often resulted in immigrants suspected of terrorist affiliations leaving the country before deportation procedures began.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
leave + n. >>共 926
country 4.98%
office 3.08%
game 2.96%
room 2.27%
home 1.93%
town 1.56%
hospital 1.48%
company 1.43%
field 1.27%
area 1.27%
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