61.   Your resilience is appreciated in these lean times.

62.   Periodically, destitute people from the countryside converge on the capital during lean times to beg, and often gravitate to the palace in hope of getting alms.

63.   After some lean times, tennis should have plenty of storylines to follow in the months and years to come.

64.   And he no longer does any carpentry, the trade that carried him through early, lean times in Hollywood.

65.   Association advisor Dr Lee Chong Meng said the increase was impractical given the lean times faced by the operators.

66.   But Sanchez sees lean times ahead.

67.   Destitute people periodically converge on the capital during lean times or in the aftermath of floods to beg and often assemble outside the palace in hopes of getting alms.

68.   For example, small firms are thought to fare badly during lean times, and thereby offer little job security.

69.   Ganad is confident of thriving in lean times, NEW STRAITS TIMES-

70.   Hamre spoke at a conference on financing military modernization in lean times.

a. + time >>共 376
first 28.66%
same 14.98%
second 5.45%
long 4.61%
last 3.78%
hard 2.53%
good 2.49%
third 2.25%
next 1.57%
tough 1.16%
lean 0.07%
lean + n. >>共 244
year 11.78%
time 9.17%
inventory 9.17%
meat 4.87%
body 3.06%
supply 2.15%
muscle 2.04%
season 1.59%
pant 1.47%
budget 1.36%
每页显示:    共 80