61.   She led the way along the main corridor, past the surgery door.

62.   Floor matting is leading the way to operational safety and efficiency in the food science industry.

63.   Leading the way to operational safety and efficiency is the installation of appropriate floor matting, specific to the work station requirements.

64.   However, for the first half of the century the offerers of the catechism still led the way.

65.   The United States has led the way in collecting such data, necessary for government and private insurers setting reimbursement rates and paying bills to providers.

66.   He poured himself a glass and led the way through to his large music room.

67.   The World Service Television News is leading the way as the provider of the BBC News to an international marketplace.

68.   On the landing, she led the way to the small room she had been using as her office.

69.   They walked down the corridor in single file, Shiona leading the way to her front door.

70.   Fran stepped back, slamming the door before leading the way along the hall to the sitting-room with a marked ill-grace.

v. + way >>共 454
find 16.63%
make 8.67%
give 6.26%
have 5.46%
pave 5.22%
change 3.45%
clear 3.43%
lead 2.96%
discuss 2.79%
open 1.89%
lead + n. >>共 844
way 5.64%
team 5.53%
decline 3.20%
league 2.78%
group 2.61%
delegation 2.14%
country 2.04%
nation 2.00%
charge 1.84%
effort 1.81%
每页显示:    共 1068