61.   Hong Kong is a goose that lays golden eggs.

62.   I hope you at least remember which turtle laid the eggs.

63.   If that genetic change is true, younger lobsters may be laying eggs before they are caught.

64.   If they can find enough pollen, female butterflies will keep laying eggs until their skin and wings fray.

65.   In all the years they had been together, neither Wendell nor Cass laid an egg.

66.   In fact, it comes to land only to find a mate, lay an egg and raise another albatross.

67.   In some species, the male lets go of the female while she lays her eggs, but he hangs around at the ready to chase off any competition.

68.   It lays its eggs in the hornworm, and the young devour the worm after hatching.

69.   It then talks about how researchers have used that to try to fool chickens into laying more eggs.

70.   It lays its eggs on the branches of scrub oaks in October, after the danger of fire has largely passed.

v. + egg >>共 413
lay 7.86%
lie 7.22%
add 6.98%
beat 4.56%
fertilize 3.27%
throw 3.27%
whisk 2.14%
eat 1.94%
use 1.94%
produce 1.81%
lay + n. >>共 475
groundwork 11.79%
wreath 9.48%
foundation 6.24%
claim 6.21%
egg 5.91%
charge 3.61%
flower 3.52%
siege 3.24%
blame 3.21%
mine 2.73%
每页显示:    共 194