61.   Jones admits that the latest book of Daedalus columns is not for everyone, even though the science in them is written to be accessible to nonscientists.

62.   Judging from the absence of any pasta salads in her latest book, it is doubtful she has revised her opinion.

63.   McGinniss said he considered his latest book his best ever.

64.   Ms. Title has many romance paperbacks under her belt, but her latest book, a thriller, is being positioned to expand her readership beyond romance lovers.

65.   Nevertheless, his latest book demonstrates that the English can be as flexible as the next guy.

66.   Quebec novelist David Gidmark has chartered the Concorde from Air France for the launching of his latest book high in the stratosphere over New York City.

67.   Political gadfly Al Franken has wisely pretty much ignored the current Washington shenanigans in his latest book of political humor, going straight for unvarnished fantasy.

68.   She had even kept up with the latest books on investing.

69.   So Patti Davis is aware that there are those who will take her latest book with the proverbial grain of salt.

70.   So you would expect her latest book, to be richly rewarding.

a. + book >>共 1553
new 11.02%
record 5.13%
holy 3.49%
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latest 1.20%
latest + n. >>共 1083
round 2.77%
development 2.47%
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report 1.53%
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poll 1.09%
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book 0.44%
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