61.   For AIDS patient Steven Krause of Oakland, herbal medicines, massage therapy and chiropractic treatments complement his rigorous regime of pharmaceuticals and laboratory tests.

62.   Further laboratory tests are expected to show definitively whether the initial findings were accurate.

63.   George said he willpoint out potential discrepancies in police reports, witness recollections, and laboratory tests.

64.   Grace used other deceptive literature and shoddy laboratory tests to cover up the asbestos problem and avoid being sued for it, the complaint claims.

65.   He noted the company also makes a laboratory test to quantitatively determine the levels of StarLink in multiple corn seed lots.

66.   He said that some automated laboratory tests routinely give a figure for triglyceride levels along with other blood lipid results.

67.   In addition, laboratory tests show that prostate cancer can be induced in rats by giving them testosterone for long periods of time.

68.   In laboratory tests, the levels of resistance that have emerged in mutant bacteria that survive a dose of household disinfectant containing triclosan have been low.

69.   In laboratory tests, discodermolide has slowed the growth of human tumors planted in mice, Longley said.

70.   In laboratory tests, students who were allowed to sleep before being retested consistently scored better.

n. + test >>共 1190
drug 14.56%
missile 6.46%
cricket 3.76%
laboratory 3.65%
fitness 3.26%
urine 3.03%
polygraph 2.36%
lab 1.91%
field 1.69%
lie-detector 1.37%
laboratory + n. >>共 317
test 17.12%
animal 6.79%
experiment 5.35%
study 5.17%
mouse 3.18%
analysis 2.88%
work 2.58%
technician 2.46%
rat 2.34%
equipment 2.28%
每页显示:    共 283