61.   Illinois Central is a good bet for earnings improvement because it signed labor agreements that kept operating costs down.

62.   If the vote goes against decertification, there would be a formal vote to ratify the labor agreement.

63.   In addition to not having a labor agreement, local television ratings are down and attendance is skidding.

64.   In his statement, Selig mentioned the current negotiations for a new labor agreement with the players, which expired last November.

65.   In less than three months, after the World Series, the current labor agreement between major-league owners and players will expire.

66.   In particular, United labor agreement puts pressure on pilots groups at American Air and US Air to also settle with employers.

67.   Insiders expect the larger voter turnout to result in ratification of the labor agreement.

68.   It also cited currencyexchange rates and new labor agreements in Latin America.

69.   It plans to present a new plan to creditors once all the labor agreements are nailed down.

70.   It seems likely the Nafta labor office will find that the Han Young case violates the labor agreement.

n. + agreement >>共 534
peace 24.36%
trade 7.80%
cooperation 4.36%
plea 3.24%
cease-fire 3.23%
budget 2.16%
autonomy 1.73%
confidentiality 1.69%
labor 1.57%
ceasefire 1.49%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
agreement 2.23%
每页显示:    共 261