61.   The deal gives the Dutch-based multinational a key supply source in one of the fastest growing markets in the multimedia hardware industry.

62.   The Pentagon said Monday that some U.S. air operations were shifting north toward Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, apparently to bolster alliance forces along key supply lines.

63.   The Pentagon said Monday that U.S. air operations were shifting north toward Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, apparently to bolster alliance forces along key supply lines.

64.   The operation was aimed at the main highway between Zagreb and the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade, a key supply link for Croatian Serbs.

65.   The Serb attack on the hill appeared to be retaliation for a government offensive on a key Serb supply road between Pale, the Serb stronghold and Sarajevo.

66.   U.N. and field reports also indicated heavy fighting along the northeastern Posavina corridor, a key Serb supply route.

67.   Vicious battles gripped northern Bosnia early Monday around a key Serb supply corridor, and U.N. officials warned that food was getting scarce in Sarajevo.

68.   In doing so they have moved up on and cut a key Serb supply route to Serb-held suburbs in the west.

69.   It straddles a key supply road connecting Serb areas in Bosnian and Croatia.

70.   A Serb majority town, Grahovo straddles a key supply road connecting the Serb areas in the neighbouring former Yugoslav republics.

a. + supply >>共 909
medical 11.85%
short 6.15%
emergency 3.38%
humanitarian 2.87%
new 2.72%
ample 2.19%
tight 2.10%
adequate 1.91%
military 1.68%
limited 1.46%
key 0.99%
key + n. >>共 831
player 4.92%
issue 4.43%
role 4.39%
element 1.96%
figure 1.83%
factor 1.81%
part 1.65%
point 1.58%
member 1.51%
question 1.48%
supply 0.31%
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