61.   In addition to convicting Symington of seven counts, the jury acquitted him of three and was deadlocked on eleven others.

62.   In addition, the jury acquitted Douglas of channeling illegal campaign contributions to an unsuccessful candidate for Congress.

63.   In Brazil, juries still acquit men who killed wives they suspected were straying, on grounds that they were defending their honor.

64.   In four previous trials on charges of assisted suicide, juries have acquitted Kevorkian three times and failed to reach a verdict once.

65.   In January, a Detroit jury acquitted him on a drug-conspiracy charge.

66.   In November a jury acquitted Dale.

67.   In Pittsburgh, an all-white jury acquitted a white cop who suffocated an African-American man.

68.   In some instances, juries acquitted the defendants.

69.   In Michigan, a jury acquitted Dr. Jack Kevorkian last May of charges that he broke the law by helping someone commit suicide.

70.   In Michigan, a jury recently recently acquitted Dr. Jack Kevorkian for assisting in the suicides of two people.

n. + acquit >>共 38
jury 48.18%
court 27.36%
judge 7.26%
juror 3.87%
panel 1.45%
tribunal 1.21%
man 0.73%
minister 0.73%
second 0.73%
team 0.73%
jury + v. >>共 329
be 11.77%
find 11.27%
convict 5.95%
decide 4.93%
acquit 4.52%
hear 4.30%
deliberate 3.43%
return 2.52%
have 2.36%
begin 2.14%
每页显示:    共 198