61.   In an outburst of violence on the West Bank, Israeli tanks shelled Palestinian police posts Thursday in response to two shooting ambushes of Israeli motorists.

62.   In another attack Sunday, two Palestinian gunmen opened fire on an Israeli motorist near the Israeli settlement of Elei Sinai in the northern Gaza Strip.

63.   In continued West Bank violence Sunday, a Palestinian motorist was shot dead by Israeli soldiers and two Israeli motorists were shot and wounded.

64.   In a new ambush Friday, an Israeli motorist was killed near the Jewish settlement of Avnei Hefetz, near the Palestinian town of Tulkarem in the West Bank.

65.   In Dura, an armed Israeli motorist opened fire when protesters stoned his car, shooting one Palestinian man in the stomach.

66.   In an ambush Friday, an Israeli motorist was killed near the Jewish settlement of Avnei Hefetz in the West Bank.

67.   In Jerusalem, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli motorists on a main road, making it impassable.

68.   In new violence Thursday, Palestinian gunmen fired on Israeli motorists on a main highway north of Jerusalem, hitting the car, but causing no injuries.

69.   In the afternoon, Palestinian gunmen struck back, shooting dead an Israeli motorist in the West Bank.

70.   In the Gaza Strip, four Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire and an Israeli motorist was wounded in a roadside ambush.

a. + motorist >>共 234
israeli 16.40%
passing 15.50%
stranded 5.77%
black 3.28%
palestinian 2.94%
angry 2.04%
private 1.70%
american 1.58%
speeding 1.58%
arab 1.47%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
motorist 0.22%
每页显示:    共 144