61.   The railroad has been under intense criticism by shippers for months because of problems with its service.

62.   The United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross are universally singled out for intense criticism.

63.   The university has faced intense criticism and scrutiny since March, when Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee was fired for violating security rules.

64.   The visit of a crew of international reporters comes as the United States faces intense criticism from its allies about the treatment and classification of the prisoners.

65.   Then, his administration briefly backed away from its demand that plants in other states cut their emissions, before reversing itself under intense criticism.

66.   Under intense criticism, Maiani decided that the evidence was not persuasive enough to justify a delay.

67.   What followed was intense criticism locally and nationally of Switzer and the Cowboys.

68.   Within hours, Bush faced intense criticism for the visit.

69.   Woodrow Wilson and his second wife came under intense criticism because they became involved only eight months after the death of his first wife, Ellen.

70.   Political violence, blamed by human rights groups mostly on ruling party militants, has intensified in recent weeks, spurring intense international criticism of the government.

a. + criticism >>共 663
international 6.83%
sharp 6.41%
public 4.82%
harsh 4.74%
strong 4.30%
widespread 3.91%
heavy 3.29%
growing 2.40%
intense 2.20%
mounting 2.18%
intense + n. >>共 1070
pressure 12.49%
competition 5.42%
scrutiny 3.44%
heat 3.00%
debate 2.72%
negotiation 2.61%
interest 2.21%
criticism 2.12%
effort 1.78%
medium 1.66%
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