61.   But he served as an intelligence officer in that army during its Balkan massacres.

62.   But it is Vladimir Putin, the intelligence officer turned prime minister, who has reaped the greatest political advantage from the war in Chechnya.

63.   But the case, if proved, may reflect poorly on the handling of a distressed, disgruntled and dismissed intelligence officer.

64.   But the affidavit, which Ms. Harbury pressed into the hands of every United States official she could, was apparently disregarded by U.S. intelligence officers.

65.   But there is uncorroborated evidence that one of the suspected hijackers met with an Iraqi intelligence officer earlier this year in Europe.

66.   But there is still not enough room at the top of the CIA for female, black, Hispanic and Asian intelligence officers, Woolsey said.

67.   But what would Desch tell the Navy intelligence officers who had put so much faith in his engineering skills?

68.   But there is little indication that American intelligence officers made much of an effort to determine their veracity.

69.   But Western intelligence officers in Bosnia are much more alarmed.

70.   Capt. John R. Fitzgerald, an intelligence officer, is going to Bosnia as a newlywed.

n. + officer >>共 349
army 11.71%
security 9.80%
intelligence 5.77%
enforcement 5.74%
law 5.48%
custom 3.27%
liaison 2.04%
duty 2.00%
immigration 1.92%
correction 1.88%
intelligence + n. >>共 394
official 12.35%
agency 11.30%
service 11.20%
officer 8.72%
report 6.70%
agent 6.34%
information 3.40%
chief 3.28%
source 3.24%
community 1.94%
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