61.   Johore Bahru police chief S. Divakaran said police were not informed about the case and no one had lodged a report so far.

62.   Local police were informed of the incident, but no one has been arrested yet, the news agency said.

63.   Neighbors found parts of the body and informed police.

64.   Mr Au informed police, who later interviewed Wun.

65.   Mrs. Schuller informed police, who set up a sting operation against Marechal, providing Mrs. Schuller with the money which she handed to Marechal at the airport Tuesday.

66.   Nonetheless, he said that the Scottish police were not informed of the potential violation by Maltese police officers accompanying them in the search.

67.   One of the girls told her parents, who informed police.

68.   Police were informed of the drop by an unnamed witness working at a railroad construction site.

69.   Resos quoted villagers as saying the rebels killed Ali because of his opposition to their extortion activities and because they suspected that he was informing police about them.

70.   Sabawi said a member of the Hamas military wing, Izzedine el-Qassem, informed the police about the explosives.

v. + police >>共 421
say 31.12%
call 10.57%
tell 4.30%
accuse 3.53%
alert 2.44%
quote 1.91%
deploy 1.67%
contact 1.56%
lead 1.41%
notify 1.36%
inform 1.01%
inform + n. >>共 480
police 6.28%
public 5.50%
authority 4.86%
government 2.89%
official 2.84%
family 2.75%
people 2.71%
customer 1.88%
member 1.60%
employee 1.51%
每页显示:    共 136