61.   An independent inquiry found the government innocent of charges it planned the killings, but said it must discipline the soldiers who fired on the refugees.

62.   An independent judicial inquiry would have greater investigative powers than the Auditor-General, a government-appointed bureaucrat.

63.   Attorney General Janet Reno announced she is seeking an outsider to head an independent inquiry.

64.   Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer visited Israel last month and said Israel did not appear to be moving toward establishing an independent inquiry.

65.   Attorney General Janet Reno is seeking an outsider to head an independent inquiry into the siege in the wake of reports that the FBI used incendiary devices.

66.   Blair has rejected calls from the opposition Conservative Party for an independent inquiry.

67.   Britain on Monday announced an independent inquiry into the mad cow disease crisis and the actions taken in response to it.

68.   British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said in parliament this week that neither he nor other ministers were aware of the mercenary operation, and pledged an independent inquiry.

69.   But an independent judicial inquiry found no wrongdoing.

70.   But Algiers continues to reject humanitarian aid or an independent inquiry into the violence and the failure of security forces to protect Algerian citizens.

a. + inquiry >>共 485
independent 6.01%
judicial 5.54%
public 5.07%
official 4.52%
preliminary 3.82%
internal 3.32%
congressional 3.06%
further 2.97%
parliamentary 2.92%
criminal 2.83%
independent + n. >>共 763
counsel 8.67%
state 5.72%
confirmation 3.90%
newspaper 2.28%
candidate 2.14%
medium 1.92%
homeland 1.77%
commission 1.65%
company 1.58%
group 1.54%
inquiry 1.05%
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