61.   They appeared in court Monday on charges of inciting violence and were released pending trial next month.

62.   They said Yeta was questioned for more than two hours and asked to sign a statement relating to remarks he allegedly made Sunday inciting violence.

63.   They have been arrested on a variety of charges ranging from inciting violence to murder.

64.   Vice President Hamzah Haz said Tuesday he planned to visit a jailed Muslim militant accused of inciting religious violence in war-torn Maluku province.

65.   Wiranto blamed Gusmao for inciting violence, despite claims by the jailed rebel leader that he had only called on East Timorese to defend themselves.

66.   Zanzibar President Amani Karume of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party accused opposition leaders of inciting violence.

67.   He is charged with inciting violence against Israel while in the Marj el-Zuhour camp in Lebanon, and of belonging to the outlawed Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS.

68.   He had faced charges in Denmark of lending financial support to an Egyptian terrorist movement and of inciting violence against the Egyptian government.

69.   He was later picked up by police, detained for five hours and threatened with being charged with inciting violence, the report said.

70.   Iran must stop sponsoring terrorism and inciting violence in Gulf Arab states like Bahrain, a senior British official said here Monday.

a. + violence >>共 528
domestic 11.88%
political 6.86%
ethnic 2.83%
sectarian 2.65%
recent 2.51%
escalating 2.36%
latest 2.35%
further 2.14%
new 2.06%
renewed 1.89%
inciting 0.69%
inciting + n. >>共 74
hatred 27.78%
violence 24.38%
riot 3.70%
rebellion 2.78%
unrest 2.78%
genocide 2.16%
racism 2.16%
material 1.54%
crowd 1.54%
people 1.54%
每页显示:    共 79