61.   The incidents further raised tensions between the pro-Western government in Montenegro, the smaller republic of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav federation, and the army loyal to Milosevic.

62.   The firefighters did not violate any regulations, but the incident raised questions about their judgment, the department source said.

63.   The incident raised concerns over the safety of journalists ahead of the parliamentary elections.

64.   The incidents also raised the issue of whether perimeter fences should be brought back at English soccer grounds.

65.   The incident raised allegations that Russia was reverting to Soviet-era techniques in which dissent sometimes was stifled by medical means.

66.   The incident raised fears in the war-shattered city that an armed showdown with America was near.

67.   The incidents have raised fears that months of relative quiet since truce talks began earlier this year are coming to an end.

68.   The incidents raise concerns about increasing violence between militant Shiite and Sunni Muslim groups.

69.   The incident nonetheless raised concerns that the guerrillas might renew attacks on Vietnamese living in Cambodia in the run-up to elections scheduled for July.

70.   The incident raised fears that the conflict in Zimbabwe over land might escalate.

n. + raise >>共 1962
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official 2.12%
case 2.01%
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bank 1.09%
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incident + v. >>共 470
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