61.   The new sentencing plan would do just that, Kuffner said, by requiring judges to impose fixed sentences instead of ones with a maximum and minimum.

62.   The new statute authorizes judges in the rest of the state to impose such sentences.

63.   The pre-sentence report by probation officer Mark Nebgen is intended to help Strand decide on a sentence under federal guidelines for evaluating a crime and imposing a sentence.

64.   The Racial Justice Act would allow death row inmates to use statistics to argue that their sentences were imposed in an illegal and discriminatory way.

65.   The second-degree murder verdict will allow the judge to impose a sentence less than life.

66.   The sentence will be imposed in a courtroom in downtown Brooklyn, about five miles from the Bensonhurst neighborhood where Gravano grew up and began his criminal career.

67.   The ruling allows them to argue that the judges who imposed their sentences were deprived of the discretionary role afforded the judiciary under the state Constitution.

68.   The sentences Wednesday were imposed by Judge Terrence W. Boyle, who had convicted Berrigan and the three other protesters at trial.

69.   The tribunal regulations would require at least a two-thirds vote of the panel to impose a sentence less than death.

70.   The tribunals can convict by a two-thirds vote and can impose any sentence, including the death penalty.

v. + sentence >>共 425
serve 13.93%
commute 6.60%
appeal 6.05%
receive 5.39%
reduce 5.17%
carry 4.46%
impose 3.71%
face 3.01%
pass 2.63%
suspend 2.52%
impose + n. >>共 574
sanction 18.02%
restriction 6.67%
curfew 5.58%
ban 4.45%
penalty 3.65%
limit 3.18%
control 2.87%
tax 2.81%
fine 2.50%
rule 2.34%
sentence 2.29%
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