61.   Andy Benes, Willie Blair, Brian Anderson and Omar Daal have pitched about as well as their human bodies are capable in the last week.

62.   Anti-biotech environmental group like the Food Alert coalition and Greenpeace argue that no one can be sure what corn like StarLink might do in the human body.

63.   Any new information about the way the human body responds to diseases and treatments, she says, will benefit all humans.

64.   Artists have been depicting nudes for thousands of years, but the naked human body still probably generates more controversy than any other subject in art.

65.   As millions avail themselves of everything from Prozac to plastic surgery, this mechanized notion of the human body has begun to take hold.

66.   As long as artists need to recreate the human body through drawing, painting or sculpture, they will need nude models.

67.   As well as attempting to create prototype weapons, researchers are trying to develop a better understanding of how infrasound might affect the human body, he says.

68.   At that point, the cells have not yet begun the differentiation process that results in organs, limbs and other components of the human body.

69.   At the same time that electronics is making its way into the human body, biological organisms are instructing chip design.

70.   At the time, social scientists were looking into how our ideas about the human body were shaped by politics and culture.

a. + body >>共 955
governing 4.90%
human 3.99%
dead 3.46%
international 2.22%
upper 2.09%
new 2.06%
the 1.92%
regulatory 1.43%
charred 1.41%
whole 1.36%
human + n. >>共 1015
life 3.11%
body 2.93%
remains 2.45%
shield 2.19%
embryo 2.17%
error 2.08%
genome 1.88%
cell 1.46%
brain 1.33%
resource 1.33%
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