61.   Netanyahu has said he inherited a huge deficit from his predecessors, and has fought to reduce it through extensive privatization.

62.   Officials have repeatedly said the government will not implement a fiscal spending policy over several years because it must resolve its huge fiscal deficits.

63.   Rather than impose economic austerity to diminish a huge deficit, the government simply printed more money.

64.   Since his campaign began in earnest in February, Yeltsin has made up a huge deficit in the polls.

65.   Sri Lanka is encouraging foreign investors to build power plants in the nation that has a huge deficit.

66.   The administration has been trying since taking office to force Japan to open its markets further to American products as a way to lower the huge deficit.

67.   Such payments contributed to the huge deficit in Santa Rosa.

68.   The Clinton administration said Friday it hopes to resolve by the end of March a major trade dispute with Japan over the huge deficit in automobiles and auto parts.

69.   The government is looking for ways to slash a huge Social Security deficit and has ordered wage freezes for millions of public employees.

70.   The school system is plagued by huge deficits and mismanagement.

a. + deficit >>共 349
federal 11.93%
public 10.30%
fiscal 9.09%
huge 3.49%
large 2.97%
big 1.98%
smaller 1.81%
growing 1.59%
annual 1.59%
double-digit 1.55%
huge + n. >>共 1247
amount 2.80%
number 1.94%
loss 1.82%
crowd 1.64%
sum 1.42%
debt 1.17%
market 1.10%
profit 1.07%
increase 0.81%
investment 0.76%
deficit 0.35%
每页显示:    共 80