61.   Most carry huge debt burdens, face costly system upgrades to make the new technology a reality, and could yet be blindsided by new competitors.

62.   Not only was Craig unable to meet the burgeoning household expenses, he was ringing up huge new debts.

63.   Our President deserves the chance to do his job and serve our nation unburdened by the prospect of a huge personal debt.

64.   Prosecutors have questioned Chung for two days to determine if he used bribes or political connections to run up the huge debts and whether he misused the loans.

65.   Quintin-Archard is focusing on the huge debts some companies have accumulated.

66.   Primestar, which rents out satellite dishes rather than sell them, incurred huge debt largely by purchasing those dishes.

67.   She also owes a huge debt for her victory to the old guard of the party that helped get out the vote, meaning the unions.

68.   So far, taxpayers appear to be off the hook, in contrast to other failed sports megadeals that left municipalities covering huge debt.

69.   So Coppola owned not quite the movie but its huge debt.

70.   Some countries are also plagued by civil unrest and huge debt burdens.

a. + debt >>共 750
foreign 9.87%
huge 3.95%
short-term 3.92%
public 3.72%
corporate 3.54%
new 3.25%
heavy 2.72%
federal 2.03%
outstanding 1.92%
mounting 1.76%
huge + n. >>共 1247
amount 2.80%
number 1.94%
loss 1.82%
crowd 1.64%
sum 1.42%
debt 1.17%
market 1.10%
profit 1.07%
increase 0.81%
investment 0.76%
每页显示:    共 267