61.   The defense said the inmates offered the guard money because his house had burned and his wife had filed for divorce.

62.   The house burned around them and was eventually reduced to ashes, the report said.

63.   The night before the asylum-seekers were to move in, the house burned to the ground.

64.   The Rugova-allied Kosovo Information Center also claimed close fighting Monday in the village of Erec, with four Albanians killed and houses burned.

65.   The witnesses said the army fired mortars into the settlement at Kabezi and that houses had been burning since Thursday.

66.   They danced and cheered as the house burned.

67.   Two Muslim houses burned, body found in tense region.

68.   Witnesses, including tribal elder Joseph Torto, said victims were shot and their houses burned.

69.   Why are those houses burning suddenly?

70.   A few days before the government attack her husband had been arrested and her house burned, she said.

n. + burn >>共 691
fire 13.08%
protester 4.97%
demonstrator 4.05%
house 2.73%
mob 2.47%
candle 2.17%
flame 1.69%
youth 1.66%
rioter 1.58%
student 1.51%
house + v. >>共 740
be 34.17%
have 9.20%
collapse 2.06%
say 1.69%
stand 1.52%
look 1.45%
go 1.36%
burn 1.26%
pass 1.24%
seem 1.14%
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