61.   Some remain confused about the very definition of homeland security.

62.   Since then, billions in additional funding has been earmarked for research projects designed to improve homeland security.

63.   Spin-off benefits from strengthened homeland security should be improved public health, safer neighborhoods and help combatting illegal drugs.

64.   Still, there were encouraging words from Tom Ridge, the director of homeland security.

65.   Strategically, it elevated homeland security from a passing phenomenon to likely status as a permanent part of the American landscape and the Washington bureacracy.

66.   Suddenly, the United States had a federal office devoted to homeland security.

67.   Taliban defeats in Afghanistan could lead al-Qaida to strike back with another terrorist attack, Tom Ridge, the director of homeland security, suggested on Thursday.

68.   The CIA and the FBI will remain outside the new department, although their intelligence failures are the most conspicuous weakness in our homeland security.

69.   The Hart-Rudman proposal would build on the Federal Emergency Management Agency, so homeland security could work closely with state and local anti-terrorism planners.

70.   The fight over homeland security had been holding up negotiations on a final stimulus bill.

n. + security >>共 443
job 16.07%
fixed-income 12.85%
airport 8.54%
government 8.50%
debt 4.39%
mortgage 4.35%
border 3.56%
homeland 2.56%
computer 2.10%
treasury 1.93%
homeland + n. >>共 70
security 39.05%
defense 15.56%
office 3.17%
director 2.86%
campaign 2.54%
agency 1.90%
issue 1.90%
leader 1.90%
government 1.59%
adviser 1.27%
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