61.   Currently, most employers steer clear of the counseling role for fear of being held liable if the advice fails to deliver the expected results.

62.   Earlier this year Pointer held that Dow Chemical could be held directly liable in breast-implant cases because of its involvement in silicone work.

63.   Employers are not held liable if the documents prove to be falsified.

64.   Employees can be held liable if equipment is lost or damaged due to malice or gross negligence.

65.   EBay counters that it merely operates a venue for sales and cannot be held liable for fraudulent goods.

66.   Even if Lay did not know the details of the partnerships used by Enron to inflate its earnings, he could be held criminally liable, Seligman said.

67.   Federal appeals courts are split on the question of whether school boards can be held liable under Title IX for student-on-student sexual harassment.

68.   Fawell and the business community worry that if patients can sue managed care plans operating on behalf of self-insured corporations, the companies will ultimately be held liable.

69.   Generally, police cannot be held liable for the failure to prevent a crime, a principle the Court of Appeals reiterated Tuesday.

70.   Generally, prison officials can only be held liable for an assault if they had actual knowledge of a substantial risk to a prisoner and ignored it.

v. + liable >>共 9
hold 61.92%
find 26.94%
make 8.55%
consider 0.78%
render 0.78%
deem 0.26%
found 0.26%
keep 0.26%
leave 0.26%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
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