61.   Boies said he will argue that if the users of Napster are not guilty of copyright infringement, than Napster itself cannot be held accountable for abetting copyright infringement.

62.   Both Yugoslavia and its Balkan neighbors can more quickly and confidently recover from years of ethnic conflict if Milosevic is held accountable for crimes against humanity.

63.   Board members and the Desegregation Monitoring Committee want the new superintendent to receive an incentive-based contract because it would coincide with their efforts to hold employees accountable.

64.   Branstad said that Congress could hold governors accountable for use of the money, but should not impose new requirements.

65.   -- Hold everybody accountable.

66.   A close associate of Tubbs said the coach wants to run his program with the autonomy he was given by Windegger but has been held more accountable under Hyman.

67.   A hope she clung to was that the man charged with the killing would be held accountable.

68.   A principal difficulty in the trials has been whether guards could be held accountable for obeying orders.

69.   A major concern expressed by victims of sexual abuse and other lay Catholics here has been how to hold bishops accountable for such policies in the future.

70.   A prominent seminary rector who has been asked to address the bishops in Dallas next week said the bishops need to go much further in holding themselves accountable.

v. + accountable >>共 6
hold 93.12%
make 5.92%
keep 0.48%
find 0.24%
consider 0.12%
leave 0.12%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
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