61.   The poll showed Internet users in the Asia-Pacific were heavy users of consumer-oriented electronic products, ACNielsen regional president Frank Martell said.

a. + user >>共 605
new 7.18%
home 6.31%
individual 2.86%
industrial 2.41%
heavy 2.13%
corporate 1.92%
commercial 1.64%
potential 1.57%
average 1.57%
big 1.46%
heavy + n. >>共 756
rain 16.39%
weapon 3.93%
snow 3.22%
artillery 2.96%
loss 2.05%
pressure 1.70%
equipment 1.67%
security 1.60%
casualty 1.45%
fire 1.41%
user 0.23%
每页显示:    共 61