61.   In its less severe form, DiGeorge syndrome can cause such problems as heart defects, retardation and facial abnormalities.

62.   It is the second most common genetic cause of congenital heart defects.

63.   Jessica Frey suffers from a heart defect and eventually will need a double lung transplant.

64.   Karma died late Saturday, hours after surgery to correct a congenital heart defect.

65.   Medical Examiner Sandra Elkins said Stenson died of a congenital heart defect, not from anything the officers did.

66.   Most research so far has focused on heart defects.

67.   Other causes of hemoglobin can include heart defects and an overdose of iron supplements.

68.   Reports said what the two were drawn together by the experience of nursing young children through life-threatening heart defects.

69.   Screening young athletes for a rare heart defect can prevent some sudden deaths during competitive sports, a study found.

70.   She briefly simulated a class on congenital heart defects.

n. + defect >>共 79
heart 29.45%
gene 7.19%
safety 5.82%
design 4.79%
auto 4.45%
brain 3.77%
valve 3.08%
character 2.74%
product 2.74%
vehicle 2.74%
heart + n. >>共 373
surgery 15.46%
problem 13.92%
trouble 7.61%
condition 6.20%
operation 4.41%
ailment 4.09%
transplant 3.37%
patient 2.95%
muscle 2.90%
rhythm 2.10%
defect 1.46%
每页显示:    共 85