61.   And the current coach, also the basketball boss, has no use for Pitino and vice versa.

62.   And the humanities have a use, he says.

63.   And, in at least a couple of cases, having players use ink stamps or electronic autopens to craft artifacts of their autograph.

64.   Are you wondering if the circus might have use for your officemate who can talk for an entire day without taking a breath?

65.   Another Richland protein scientist, Mary Lipton, is working with two types of bacteria that may have uses in cleaning up incidents of radioactive contamination.

66.   As a journalist, Ms. Gellhorn had no use for the notion of objectivity.

67.   As a poet, he has no use for either narrative or autobiographical pieces.

68.   As annoying as the U.S. government may find the process, Russia is learning that whining, too, has its uses.

69.   As a screenwriter, Wallace has never had much use for subtlety.

70.   As for digital photos she took only a few years ago, she has little use for them in her portfolio.

v. + use >>共 447
make 12.53%
have 5.24%
ban 3.97%
allow 2.43%
include 2.31%
oppose 2.28%
limit 2.27%
prohibit 2.20%
involve 1.93%
promote 1.77%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
use 0.16%
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