61.   Having made it to the top of the leaderboard ahead of most of the biggest names in golf, Van de Velde hopes to challenge for the title.

62.   In accordance with Jewish law, vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman used to thank God each morning for not having made him a slave or a woman.

63.   Excess rooms were converted into sanctuaries for body and soul, while having a spa made a hotel more attractive to the international travel market, Cusack said.

64.   Washington denies having made any promises of a reward to Syria, which is high on the US list of countries supporting terrorism.

v. + make >>共 716
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do 1.74%
use 1.26%
win 1.20%
fighting 1.02%
buy 0.96%
go 0.96%
lose 0.84%
look 0.72%
have + v. >>共 703
be 17.32%
seem 3.06%
do 3.01%
make 2.84%
say 1.99%
appear 1.99%
become 1.95%
lose 1.64%
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