61.   Half a mile underground, hissing rubber air hoses were looped along tunnel walls and small lights hooked on the hard hats of miners bobbed in the inky universe.

62.   Hard hats are advised in area bleachers.

63.   Hard hats and power tools were still in use last week.

64.   Hard hats and flashlights were mandatory for snaking through upended furniture, up dark stairwells and around ducts and light fixtures hanging from the ceilings.

65.   He hit so many of his home runs there in his record-setting year, plastic yellow hard hats are considered essential gear.

66.   He shook the hands of rescue workers and autographed their hard hats.

67.   He stood a hair under six feet tall, and his hard hat scraped the raw rock ceiling above his head.

68.   He wore a dusty blue uniform and heavy boots, and on His head was a halo formed by a hard hat with a lamp.

69.   He went to some Con Edison workers in Queens and borrowed as many hard hats as he could, spray-painting the orange utility helmets blue.

70.   He was flanked by schoolchildren and construction workers in hard hats.

a. + hat >>共 426
straw 11.45%
hard 9.11%
black 8.28%
white 4.58%
red 2.86%
floppy 2.39%
funny 1.98%
big 1.93%
wide-brimmed 1.77%
party 1.72%
hard + n. >>共 557
time 18.59%
work 13.62%
drive 7.61%
hit 3.96%
way 3.84%
part 2.10%
evidence 1.97%
look 1.28%
hat 1.17%
worker 0.98%
每页显示:    共 174