61.   Hamdija Kabiljagic, a local official speaking via ham radio, said it was the last defense point of the Bosnian government army.

62.   He also plans to chat with South African schoolchildren via ham radio over the next week.

63.   Hajrudin Redzovic reported on the siege via ham radio for television station RTV-BIH in Sarajevo.

64.   However Puerto Rico defense officials said ham radio reports they monitored indicated no one was killed.

65.   Includes activities for young people involving the Internet, ham radio and so forth.

66.   IRC is the equivalent of ham radio for the Internet.

67.   Residents of Bunia reported by ham radio that the Zairian soldiers were looting shops and attacking members of the Nande ethnic group whom they accuse of supporting the rebels.

68.   She later got a ham radio, allowing for occasional conversations with her daughters.

69.   That happened occasionally with the ham radio aboard Mir, before the Russian space station was abandoned and sent on a suicide dive.

70.   The pilot, who said he feared losing his charter business in Peru if he were named, said he now flies with a ham radio.

n. + radio >>共 213
army 27.55%
talk 17.94%
government 7.21%
car 6.62%
ham 3.92%
rebel 3.63%
police 2.70%
satellite 2.60%
sport 2.21%
short-wave 1.91%
ham + n. >>共 70
radio 24.10%
operator 15.66%
sandwich 13.55%
hock 11.75%
slice 3.31%
bone 3.01%
steak 2.71%
actor 1.51%
cube 1.20%
report 1.20%
每页显示:    共 80