61.   He was killed by gunfire while he was in a restaurant, a spokesman for the Basque autonomous police forece Ertzaintza told AFP.

62.   A local taxi driver was reported by one of his colleagues as having been killed by gunfire Tuesday as he was driving two passengers to the Greek border.

63.   And every two hours, a child in the United States is killed by gunfire.

64.   Despite this, people are continuing to be killed by gunfire.

65.   UNPROFOR spokesman Major Herve Gourmelon said one civilian and one policeman were killed by gunfire believed to have come from government-held positions.

66.   Witnesses said two others were killed by gunfire as well.

67.   Most of the victims have been killed by gunfire.

68.   Military police attempted to apprehend the thieves and ensuing gunfire killed one and wounded another.

69.   Six of the victims were killed by gunfire or mine explosions overnight in Shkoder.

70.   Six of the victims were killed by gunfire or mine explosions overnight in Shkroder, the biggest city in northern Albania.

n. + kill >>共 1422
police 4.72%
gunman 4.65%
soldier 4.50%
troop 4.12%
rebel 3.83%
force 3.03%
guerrilla 2.38%
militant 2.12%
explosion 1.74%
man 1.67%
gunfire 0.80%
gunfire + v. >>共 140
wound 11.32%
erupt 9.24%
hit 9.06%
be 8.88%
kill 6.61%
break_out 6.16%
come 3.44%
continue 3.17%
ring 2.99%
injure 2.36%
每页显示:    共 73