61.   He has refused to do so, citing continued attacks by the guerrilla army fighting for independence for Kosovo.

62.   Hun Sen has encouraged the defection of several top Khmer Rouge in recent years, employing a strategy that led to the dissolution of the guerrilla army in December.

63.   Hun Sen says Ranariddh was plotting to attack his forces, using disaffected Khmer Rouge rebels who quit their dwindling guerrilla army.

64.   Hun Sen says Ranariddh was plotting to attack his forces using disaffected Khmer Rouge rebels who quit their dwindling guerrilla army.

65.   If the guerrilla army were to lay down arms tommorrow, tomorrow I would resign.

66.   In addition to the guerrilla army it fields today, Hezbollah runs schools, hospitals and clinics, TV and radio stations and a weekly newspaper.

67.   In recent years, he has controlled finances from the gems and logging trade along the Thai border that bankrolls the guerrilla army.

68.   It began as a rag-tag alternative to non-violent opposition by moderate ethnic Albanians to Serb rule in Kosovo but has grown into a full-fledged guerrilla army.

69.   It traced the drugs to dealers who were also leaders of a CIA-run guerrilla army in Nicaragua.

70.   Kung Thoeun and his brother-in-law Yin Dy were once comrades in arms, fighting together as soldiers in the dreaded Khmer Rouge guerrilla army.

n. + army >>共 138
government 39.03%
rebel 23.56%
guerrilla 10.52%
federation 1.98%
coalition 1.17%
occupation 0.99%
opposition 0.99%
week 0.99%
year 0.90%
militia 0.63%
guerrilla + n. >>共 400
group 17.66%
war 8.93%
attack 8.49%
leader 6.86%
base 3.95%
movement 3.38%
hideout 3.35%
position 3.34%
fighter 3.01%
warfare 2.68%
army 1.71%
每页显示:    共 116